Channel: Comments for Berlin Beatet Bestes
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Comment on BESSER WOHNEN MIT DINETT, Serenade In Swing, 1960 by mischalke04


Vielen Dank für die Infos. Ich weiss meist nicht sehr viel über die Platten, die ich hier vorstelle, ist ja keine Wissenschaft, zumindest bin ich kein Popwissenschaftler und ich will auch gar keine Archiv sein für jede Information zu einer Platte oder einem Künstler. Ich sehe den Blog eher als erste Anlaufstelle. Es gibt offensichtlich noch sehr viele Lücken im Internet und ich werf nur gelegentlich Sachen da rein, um darauf hinzuweisen. Vor allem, um anzuregen vielleicht auch mal aufm Flohmarkt zu stöbern.

Aber ich freue mich natürlich auf Besuch von Gleichgesinnten! Ich schick dir ne Mail.

Comment on Eggy Ley´s Jazzmen, Joshua fit the Battle of Jericho, 1959 by Mr_Miff


I am a music fan and I can’t effort records or cds. Almost all money I made, I made in the record business.
I am a music fan – I get to really know the records I have from a better time, know my way waround the tracks. The best stuff I try to learn to play.
I am a music fan. If sites like this would have been around in 1973 would Bear Family have ever get started? Over saturated music fans don’t buy even if they could. They’re too busy listening once to each of their downloads.
I don’t think your service is an exception. No, I really don’t see how.

Comment on DIE CANDY KIDS, Youpi-youpi, 1962 by Kees Vlaar


Hallo Raymond,toch wel lang geleden , ongeveer 50 jaar!!! Wat ik nog weet (woonde tegenover jullie in Slotervaart) het eten van je moeder,de rode Chevrolet “Bel Air” en dat we zamen eens een koolmicrofoon uit een telefooncel hebben gestolen om een folkguitar electrisch te maken! het intervieuw kan ik niet vinden,ben wel nieuwsgierig.Ik woon al 20 jaar in frankrijk en repareer gitaren! Exp:Kees Vlaar.

Comment on Eggy Ley´s Jazzmen, Joshua fit the Battle of Jericho, 1959 by mischalke04


Finally somebody disagrees! I know you´re a music fan. But the record business is dying. CD sales continue to go down and I bet, in a couple of years they will be gone completely. I know that it would be more decent to wait until after the funeral, but Bear Family Records, or any other label, never got around to re-release Eggy Ley´s music in fifty years, so why shouldn´t I now? Can an MP3 actually considered to be a re-release? If it is, is my blog a label then? What is an MP3?

Comment on KID-ORBIS-TRIO, Wild Cat Blues, 1959 by Jörg Meyerhoff


I have an idea who is Sammy Zabanzaff. Just listen to the vibrato. It must be somebody who imitates Sidney Bechet quite well or it´s Sidney Bechet himself (maybe on a bad day, maybe not quite happy with the result so he wouldn´t give his name, maybe angry about his record company). Popably a worn idea – but somehow exiting.

Comment on PETER DE ANGELIS, Happy Mandolin, 1958 by Steve Owen


His sound and orchestration, all echoed up and etherial for Frankie Avalon’s Venus and I suppose Bobby Sox(done on the same session, cause it has the same sound?) is genius…I miss this talented arranger’s touch…

Comment on KID-ORBIS-TRIO, Wild Cat Blues, 1959 by mischalke04


The only exiting thing about this record is the flexible material it was pressed on. But the name is great. Sammy Zabanzaff! Sounds like a name right out of a gangster movie when his real was probably something like Herbert Zwickelgruber.

Comment on PETE MARCEL, Sloppy-Twist-A-Fish, 1961 by erick b.


I have this 45 by futura record inc NM

Comment on ORLIE AND THE SAINTS, Detroit Twist And Freeze, 1961 by craigr244


I know these comments are back quite a ways – Hoping to hear from Kathy Trujillo and or Dave Barhite – I am working on Blog pages relating to Band Box – Orlie and much more>

Comment on COLETTE MESTON, Sexy-Twist, 1963 by Ron


love to hear the other songs!!!!

Comment on COLETTE MESTON, Sexy-Twist, 1963 by mischalke04


They are like this only worse:

Regen, Regen starts at 1:00

Comment on HARUNA ISHOLA & HIS GROUP, Won Nse Ko Baje, 1962 by Manfred

Comment on HARUNA ISHOLA & HIS GROUP, Won Nse Ko Baje, 1962 by mischalke04


I´m sorry but I will not post material that other people are still trying to sell, especially not music from Africa. Three albums by Metric Jazz National are available through Melodica Music Stores from Nairobi. The music I described in my article sounds similar to this:

Comment on ORLIE AND THE SAINTS, Detroit Twist And Freeze, 1961 by Dave Barhite


Glad to help you if I can.
Dave Barhite

Comment on JOE WILKENS UND DIE ROCKIES, Hula Baby, 1958 by Jörg


I am not an expert in accents but I am excellent in making wild guesses. So I would say the singer has a dutch accent and his real name is Peter de Vries (who is present in this blog with another hula-song).

Comment on JOE WILKENS UND DIE ROCKIES, Hula Baby, 1958 by mischalke04

You <em>are</em> pretty excellent at making wild guesses! And an attentive reader of this blog. Thank you! That <a href="http://mischalke04.wordpress.com/2011/02/25/goldy-und-peter-de-vries-mich-zieht%C2%B4s-zuruck-nach-hawaii-1949/" rel="nofollow">Peter De Vries record</a> was a while back. I´m sure Peter Wilkens "accent" is just the average over-pronounced style of schlager singing that was in fashion at the time. It would be nice to find more information about a lot of these budget label artists, but I´m afraid that it will not be done with a Google search. I would have to contact some of the owners of the copyrights of these songs, do an inquiry with <a href="http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bureau_International_de_l%E2%80%99Edition_Mecanique" rel="nofollow">BIEM</a> and in general try to find people who were close to these companies and artists. And by then I would be well on my way to do a proper legal reissue of some of the material. I do believe that some of the better tracks here deserve to be put on a compilation, but right now it seems way too much work and would cost money that I don´t have. And who´s gonna buy this stuff anyway? Right now posting budget hula songs on this blog is all I can do.

Comment on HEINRICH RIETHMÜLLER, Grüne Welle, 1959 by beatbertbavaria


`grüne welle` must be some kind of happiness in life

Comment on HELMY´S HOT-CLUB, Rock´n “Roll-Mops”, 1957 by whoops


Dutch singer trumpetist Ferry ”Rock” Barendse made the ultimate Rock ‘n’ Roll mops version. I found the SP last year and it definitely was a jawdropping experience to spin this record, it sounds like Lionel Hampton jamming with Screamin’ Jay Hawkins.
I’m quite sure that it is available in a couple of recent french 50′s Rock’n Roll compilations.

Here is a link with a discography and a short biography (in french).


Comment on HELMY´S HOT-CLUB, Rock´n “Roll-Mops”, 1957 by mischalke04


I think I saw one of the French R&R comps you mentioned in a record store last week but bought something else instead. Will go into that store again and buy it tomorrow! Thanks a lot for the tip. I´m excited to her that version. Keep blogging!

Comment on LUCKY THOMPSON AND THE JACK SELS TRIO, One Cool Night, 1959 by boogieman


Thanks a lot for giving us the opportunity to listen to this rare EP with some great Belgian musicians (in addition of colossus, Lucky Thompson.
I received the sad news that pianist Jean Fanis died on September 3. I posted a small tribute on my blog and took the liberty to put a link to this post as it is one of the very few recorded traces of this pianist that could be found on the net. Hope you won’t mind.
Thanks & congrats for your blog,. I only discovered it recently but it is a real treasure chest. Keep up the good work.

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