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Comment on TOMMY LAKES ORCHESTRA, King Porter Stomp by Kurt L - KL in NYC


Interesting. I didn’t know Synthetic Plastics licensed any of their stuff — that’s the New Jersey plastics factory that issued LPs on Promenade and a bunch of other made-up labels, but mostly on Spin-O-Rama and Diplomat. Their pressings are always on cheap, noisy vinyl, but this one sounds like it’s much better quality.
However, don’t pay too much attention to the artists’ names because they’re usually fake — the names and LP covers change every time they’re reissued.

BTW, if you come across anything licensed from Prom, Colortone, Audition, or Grand Award, those budget labels are from Enoch Light, who was also based in New Jersey — he did a lot of licensing. He eventually hit it big with those sterophile LPs on his Command label in 1960.
The Enoch Light budget labels often used top session musicians like Dick Hyman, who were later featured on the Command LPs, so they’re considered “collectibles”.

Comment on COLETTE MESTON, Sexy-Twist, 1963 by Kurt L - KL in NYC


I can always count on you to find twist records!

(Love your reply to Ron :) Probably very accurate.)

Comment on TOMMY LAKES ORCHESTRA, King Porter Stomp by mischalke04


Wow! How do you know all this stuff? I always think I´m the only one who cares about budget records. Most record collectors think they´re garbage. Luckily most record dealers too!

Comment on TOMMY LAKES ORCHESTRA, King Porter Stomp by Kurt L - KL in NYC


Record collectors trade info on budget labels. There is a Wikipedia entry for Synthetic Plastics/SPC, but it is inaccurate.

Feel free to e-mail me if you need any help with that.

On CD:
1. Ace Records UK bought Modern-RPM Records (California) including their Crown Records budget label, and has been releasing the budget rock and roll stuff.
2. A German company has been releasing CD compilations of the Hit-Giant-Spar budget cover version 45s (from Nashville, Tennessee).

Good Reference Sites:
3. This site has substantial discographies of North American budget labels, but you have to read through all the links to find what you need:
4. If you want histories of US record companies who produced “normal” LPs, complete with discographies and cover photos, use this site and travel halfway down the page until you get to the links:
5. Discographies for 45rpm labels (including small companies) from the US, UK, Canada, and Australia are here:
For US 45s, use the “Search by Record Label” link on left, or the alphabet links at the top
For UK, Canadian, & Australian 45s – go halfway down the page and click on one of the flags.

If you need any help, just e-mail (if my e-mail doesn’t show up here let me know if you need it). I learned more about these things because all the record collectors traded information.

A few years ago some of us had a “project” where we tried to figure out how many times Synthetic Plastics released the same Hawaiian album — we were up to about 80 times, on four different labels, with different cover photos, and a bunch of different names like Luke Leilani, Lukliani, Harry Kaapuni, Hakapuni, etc.
Very funny.when you consider that there must have been an old lady somewhere who bought the same Hawaiian album ten times and thought she was going crazy because they all played the same songs.
That still makes me laugh.

Comment on TOMMY LAKES ORCHESTRA, King Porter Stomp by mischalke04


Thanks for all the information and links. Will be very helpful for future “investigation”. Lots of U.S. material turned up here on budget labels or smaller parent labels. It´s always interesting to find the original source of a record.

Then again, because the majority of local collectors are obsessed with U.S. material, I find it more challenging to focus on German budget releases. Of course most of it is kinda lame, but that´s only a matter of taste. I like “good music” as much as anybody, but what I like even more is records to be funny, strange and surprising. A lot of German budget releases are. Still only a handful of people think this material is worth their time. So buying these records cheaply is easy. Finding information about tiny German budget labels is a difficult and time consuming task.

I`ll do my best…

Comment on GARY EDWARDS COMBO, Franz Liszt Twist, 1962 by Howard williams


Thanks for that info PHIL. I was in school with Micky,mally & dusty at caer castell. My first band was the searchers with Micky Gee & Ronnie (chuffer) Fox. To good for us tho and went on to much better things (history). I carried on singing with the southerners when joey escort left to go pro with joey & the gentlemen. Later turned manager of the Chevrons for a couple of years with Roger Mullins,Dave Williams,Howard Webber,Alan Roberts & John Sithers who was replaced on drums my Mac Todd when he came back from the smoke. His brother Ray was an original member of the Solid Six only to be replaced by Billy Young who came from a Newport band called the Midnighters. I was also very friendly in those days with Tommy Miller of the Rebels. I remember all the venues of the day including the .77 sunset strip in Barry,the Marina,the Paget,the Victoria ballroom, the Majestic in Newport and loads more. Great to talk to someone with the same interests & memories.

Comment on GARY EDWARDS COMBO, Franz Liszt Twist, 1962 by Phil Morgan


Hi Howard, fantastic info from you and I don’t know where to start. Firstly, you must be just a few years older than me. I am really glad you mentioned the Searchers because besides me nobody of the ones meeting up remember them. I remember them because Steve Liston and the Square 4 use to practice in the geography room at the far end of Caer Castell. You used the room for the first hour then you set up in the hall and we used it for the second hour. Often Derel Wayland from the Cardiff and Surburban News came along to watch us all … as did Tony Wyn Jones later he managed Deano who went into the charts. I’ll spread the names around you mention to people like Paul Pesticcio Gary Edwards Combo roadie who found that acetate of the Solid Six and I put on you tube. You didn’t mention Frank Smith phantom bass or Les Rockey the drummer with the Searchers. But Mac Todd I played with last year the G E Combo drummer and this was at St Joes in Whitchurch Road. We are due for another show there sometime before xmas, with Dave piano Cole and the Crazy Cats, Dave Cole is actually Dave Williams. I’ll get back with news or maybe you could join us on facebook … Tommy Miller and Ken Collier are on there and Nick Still etc etc. Bye Phil

Comment on TAU MOE´S ORIGINAL-HAWAIIANS, Hawaiian War Chant by JD


Tau Moe was born in American Samoa to an American Mormon missionary family of Samoan descent. He could speak 10 languages. Moe was considered an influential pioneer of the Hawaiian steel guitar. More on Tau Moe here: http://tinyurl.com/9em5q5k

Comment on TAU MOE´S ORIGINAL-HAWAIIANS, Hawaiian War Chant by mischalke04


Thank you very much for the corrections. The phrase “Mein schönes Land Hawaii”, sung pretty much without a detectable accent, led me to believe that the group was German. Now of course it makes much more sense that they were a Hawaiian group based in Europe in the 50s.

Comment on GARY EDWARDS COMBO, Franz Liszt Twist, 1962 by Howard Williams


I have a photo in my possesion showing THE SEARCHERS on stage at the Gaumont Cardiff


Comment on STALIN MIT UNS! by Jörg


It´s not known, if the dictator really liked the songs about him. Maybe they were just made by the artists in order to survive him.

Stalins favorite song was “Suliko”, a sweet georgian song about a dead woman.

Hitlers favorite song was “Badenweiler Marsch”, without text.

If you compare both with Chuchills favorite song, the swinging “Lambeth Walk”, it gives a hint on his humor.

I would like to know the favorite songs of Roosevelt and de Gaulle – if they had them.

Comment on GARY EDWARDS COMBO, Franz Liszt Twist, 1962 by Phil Morgan


Hi Howard … Lots of people remember you on facebook including Tommy Miller. If you wish you can send me a scan of that photo of the Searchers which were actually around at the time of the Solid Six and Gary Edwards Combo. Members probably will then exchange ideas and this might help in our search for the missing combo members like Mally Jones. He apparently worked with Crosby Stills and Nash as some kind of producer. philip.morgan@mypostoffice.co.uk

Comment on GARY EDWARDS COMBO, Franz Liszt Twist, 1962 by Tony Wyn-Jones


OMG again more memories thanks to Phil the Bass who had to remind me that I was manager of Steve Liston and the Square Four I need some tracks to play on my radio show for more details contact me at my e-mail address mail@tonywynjones.co.uk

Comment on GARY EDWARDS COMBO, Franz Liszt Twist, 1962 by Howard Williams



I know Spooner Oldham who is backing musician with PAUL YOUNG of CROSBY,STILLS NASH & YOUNG and he may know the wearabouts of Mally Jones. I will make some contact and see what I can find out. He (Spooner) was inducted into the ROCK & ROLL HALL OF FAME last year and was recently named as the favorite musician of NICK TODD (Spillers Records) in an interview with the SOUTH WALES ECHO. His daughter daughter Roxanne is married to MARK BOWEN of WITCHITAW RECORDS who is from CARDIFF and his parents Pauline & Colin live in Lisvane. Good to hear Tommy remembers me. He was a character around Cardiff and I particulary remember his love of cars and he has a ZEPHYR ZODIAC which was the nearest thing to a Yankee Car he could get. I recall him putting his hand up to Dusty Millers long skinny fingers only Tommy,s were short and stubby but overcame this to be a very good lead.

Howard Williams

Comment on THE TIE-BREAKS, Ist das der Weg zur Hafenstrasse?, 1990 by jp


würdest du den song nochmal hochladen? :(

Comment on THE TIE-BREAKS, Ist das der Weg zur Hafenstrasse?, 1990 by mischalke04



Hallo Andreas,
nur so nebenbei:
Ich hab auch eine Schallplatte vom Tonstudio Leo Polster, und beim Internet- Recherchieren las ich die betrübliche Nachricht, daß Herr Polster 1969 ermordet wurde .
Hab gerade noch mal versucht, die betreffende Meldung im Hamburger Abendblatt aufzurufen, aber man läßt mich nicht…

Comment on TONDIENST LEO POLSTER by mischalke04


Hallo Joe,

Vielen Dank für diese Entdeckung!!! Im Grammophon & Schellackplattenforum wurden die Leo Polster Platten schon mal behandelt. Von seiner Ermordung wusste ich noch nichts. Schrecklich und sehr seltsam…


Hier die betreffenden Meldungen:

Hamburger Abendblatt 35 11.02.1969

Der Mörder kam zur Mittagszeit Kaufmann in St. Georg erschlagen

Die Beamten der Mordkommission stehen vor einer fast unlösbar scheinenden Aufgabe: Sie sollen einen Raubmörder überführen, von dem es keine Spuren gibt. Der Verbrecher überfiel gestern mittag den 66jährigen Kaufmann Leonhard Polster in dessen Wohnung an der Danziger Straße 76 in St. Georg und erschlug ihn mit einem Akku. Kurze Zeit später wurde die Bluttat entdeckt.

Leonhard Polster unterhielt in der Danziger Straße ein Tonstudio. Als man ihn fand, lag er mit einer klaffenden Schädelverletzung hinter seinen Tonmisch- und Bandschneide-Pulten. Der 54jährige Komponist Franz Josef Breuer: ?Ich war mit

Polster verabredet. Er sollte für mich Bandaufnahmen umkopieren. AI” sich auf mein mehrmaliges Klopfen nichts rührte, ging ich hinein. Im Vorzimmer brannte Licht. Dann sah ich seine Fuße . . .

Die Ermittlungen der Mordkommission ergaben: Polster muß zwischen 11 und 13.20 Uhr ermordet worden sein. Vermutlich hatte eu seinen Mörder sogar gekannt und ihn arglos eintreten lassen.

Wahrscheinlich ist es zwischen Leonhard Polster und dem Mörder zu einem erbitterten Kampf gekommen. Aber Polster war ihm nicht gewachsen ? er litt an einer Kriegsverletzung. Nachbarn wollen lautes Gepolter gehört haben.

Studio und Wohnung boten ein Bild der Verwüstung. Der Täter hatte offensichtlich in höchster Eile nach bänder?

Bisher weiß man lediglich: Dre! Zeugen wollen zur Tatzeit einen Mann beim Verlassen der Wohnung gesehen haben. Er soll einen braunen Mantel getragen und zwei Reisetaschen bei sich gehabt haben.

Nachbar Ludwig Igel (69 Jahre): “Ich kannte Polster schon lange. Er klagte immer wieder, daß die Geschäfte schlecht gingen.”

Dagegen sprechen aber die Ermittlungen der Kriminalpolizei. Im Tresor lagen 2000 Mark. Die Polizei: “Wer kann sachdienliche Angaben machen?” a.m. cvb
Polizei bei der Spurensicherung am Tatort Danziger Straße 76 Fotos: M. Moidvay Ermordet: Leo Polster In einem Zinksarg schafft die Feuerwehr den Ermordeten aus dem Haus

Hamburger Abendblatt 143 24.06.1969 3 HA 272

Zwei Buchstaben sind die Spur im Mordfall Polster Eine Tasche mit “LP” / Parfumflasche und Puderdose gefunden

Die Ermittlungen der Hamburger Mordkommission im Fall Leo Polster haben neuen Auftrieb bekommen. Auf Grund der Fernsehsendung “Aktenzeichen XY ? ungelöst” hat sich ein Zeuge gemeldet, dessen Aussage vielleicht die Spur zum Mörder des Tontechnikers werden könnte. Leo Polster war, wie berichtet, am 10. Februar in seinem Tonstudio an der Danziger Straße in St. Georg erschlagen und beraubt aufgefunden worden. J

Der Raubmörder hatte seine Beute, wie die Ermittlungen ergaben, in

zwei Reisetaschen fortgeschleppt. Diese Taschen trugen das Monogramm des Ermordeten: “LP” in einem durchbrochenen Kreis. Nach der Fernsehsendung meldete sich bei der Kriminalpolizei ein, Tankwart aus Rhynern-Nord im Kreis Unna. Er hatte am 6. Juni in seiner Tankstelle einen jungen Mann beobach-, tet. der eine Reisetasche mit dem Zeichen “LP” in einem durchbrochenen Kreis bei sich hatte.

Der Unbekannte hielt sich längere Zeit in der Tankstelle auf. Er wollte als Anhalter nach Antwerpen und wurde schließlich von dem Fahrer eines Wagens mit holländischem Kennzeichen mitgenommen. Der Unbekannte ist etwa 25 Jahre alt und 1,65 Meter groß. Die Beschreibung, die der Tankwart von ihm gab, deckt sich mit der, die Augenzeugen unmittelbar nach dem Mord von einem Mann gaben, der das Tonstudio mit zwei Reisetaschen verließ.

Eine dieser Taschen ist von einem Einwohner in Harksheide gefunden worden. In der Tasche befanden sich auch eine Flasche Parfüm und eine Puderose. Beide Gegenstände gehörten nicht Polster. Der Mörder muß sie nachträglich in die Tasche gepackt haben. Die Kripo fragt: Wer weiß etwas über Parfumflasche und Puderdose? wo.
Herkunft unbekannt: Die Puderdose Herkunft unbekannt: Die Parfümflasche Erschlagen: teo Polster

Comment on KINDERCORPS, Baggermatsch, 1982 by Thomas


Leider sind die links tot. Ich kenn den Titel von einem sampler (Debuet) und wuerd ihn gern wieder haben…

Comment on Stompin´at the Savoy by mkorsakov

Beim retronaut <a href="http://retronaut.com/?p=46072" rel="nofollow">finden sich auch Fotos</a> aus'm LIFE Archive von 1943.
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