OMG _ I had one of these years ago!!
View ArticleComment on THE PETERS SISTERS, Live, Love And Eat, 1962 by krobi
Hier gibt’s ein paar Infos zu den ThreePeters Siters
View ArticleComment on KAPELLE ERICH SENDEL, Bei uns zu Haus… by mischalke04
Irgendwie ist das hiermit geschehen. Hallo Edeka!
View ArticleComment on DER OVERBACHER JUGENDCHOR, Shalom, 1973 by ewerybody
Whow and now you need the 4 others too!? :D Or are they from other artists? But it’s a weird kind of funkyness! Isn’t it?… As I was raised in eastern germany I got the letter KIM from something else:...
View ArticleComment on DER OVERBACHER JUGENDCHOR, Shalom, 1973 by mischalke04
I do have #1 in the KIM series too! Oh mann, lassma auf deutsch schreiben. Die erste KIM geht mehr in die Richtung traditioneller Jazz-Gottesdienst. Muss nochmal bei Gelegenheit reinhören. Und dann...
View ArticleComment on DER OVERBACHER JUGENDCHOR, Shalom, 1973 by ewerybody
hehee :D verständlich, dass mir so der Name “Kim” so echt komisch vorkommt, was? Wenn ich dabei immer an Schweinemast denken muss. Nachbarbetrieb der KIM, und auch tolle Abkürzung: SVKE (Schlacht...
View ArticleComment on DIE LOTHAR NAKAT BOYS, Beatnik Fly by ewerybody
Unglaublich aber wahr! Funky Blockflöte gibts tatsächlich :D
View ArticleComment on ARTHUR HARRIS, Open Till Four by Dean Craige Morris says both from 1963
View ArticleComment on ARTHUR HARRIS, Open Till Four by mischalke04
Thanks for helping out. But what label?. What state? Same name?
View ArticleComment on GARY EDWARDS COMBO, Franz Liszt Twist, 1962 by Phil Morgan
Hi Ian Todd … spoke to your dad last Saturday night at Dave Cole’s 70th birthday party. He wanted to give me his email address, so that I can send it to Mally Jones, GEC bass player who lives in...
View ArticleComment on DIE RAGTIME SPECHT GROOVE, Gisa, 1973 by kdm
The bass player of this trio is of course NOT the (more or less:) well-known KLAUS SCHULZE who composes, plays and records “electronic music”, since 1971 and until today, see his website:...
View ArticleComment on DIE RAGTIME SPECHT GROOVE, Gisa, 1973 by mischalke04
True, they´re not ot identical. This Klaus played a fine bass!
View ArticleComment on MAMBO BAND, Hey-O-Mambo, 1966 by John
I love that they are still playing locally!
View ArticleComment on FRITZ WOELFFER AND HIS GUITAR, Indio/ County, 1969 by...
Wonderful single….thanks for sharing it. If I did not know the source of the B-side, I would have identified it as a Norman Petty (Clovis, New Mexico) production such as The String-A-Longs or the more...
View ArticleComment on FRITZ WOELFFER AND HIS GUITAR, Indio/ County, 1969 by mischalke04
Glad you like it. Thanks for the comment. It feels good to know, that I´m not the only person who enjoys this type of music. It is a a lonely passion at times…
View ArticleComment on FRITZ WOELFFER AND HIS GUITAR, Indio/ County, 1969 by hanst
Thank you for the very good scans and the very rare & strange records!
View ArticleComment on OSCAR HARRIS AND THE TWINKLE STARS, Whole lot of dances, 1966 by...
please give me his song “i found out” lyric, i’ve searching everywhere but not found
View ArticleComment on OSCAR HARRIS AND THE TWINKLE STARS, Whole lot of dances, 1966 by...
Dear Chris, I´m sorry, but I don´t have the song or the lyrics. Maybe a reader can help?
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