You <em>are</em> pretty excellent at making wild guesses! And an attentive reader of this blog. Thank you! That <a href="" rel="nofollow">Peter De Vries record</a> was a while back. I´m sure Peter Wilkens "accent" is just the average over-pronounced style of schlager singing that was in fashion at the time.
It would be nice to find more information about a lot of these budget label artists, but I´m afraid that it will not be done with a Google search. I would have to contact some of the owners of the copyrights of these songs, do an inquiry with <a href="" rel="nofollow">BIEM</a> and in general try to find people who were close to these companies and artists. And by then I would be well on my way to do a proper legal reissue of some of the material. I do believe that some of the better tracks here deserve to be put on a compilation, but right now it seems way too much work and would cost money that I don´t have. And who´s gonna buy this stuff anyway?
Right now posting budget hula songs on this blog is all I can do.