Hallo Börlin and all neighbouring bushes! It’s provotime again – LIVE from Salmdorf near Bussi-village Munich. You like shame and scandals in the family? Here we go: My pineapplebeauty Tippy turned into a kind of Julia Assange. Our marriage is just a TippyLeaks. My home is not secure anymore. Tippy is hunting, better: haunting me with her vid cam. And here is her latest prank attack – 54 seconds of my privacy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCAFCPJWbm8 I think, it’s ok, to show the Saviour of the Plants in his men’s room, in older times I have been enthusiastic about Bert Brecht, presenting the Pope on stage in underwear. Ha! My little sweet-sour darling scared the shit out of me, and that was just a beginning. Mischalkybaby, you were pondering, whether there would come any memoirs from me. No. I can’t stand books. Too boring to meet fucking bookmakers. I like the Tippy way, simply beginning to unveil something of her marriage on Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=23741&id=100001667677135&l=2381309a40 It started with my uncleaned white wine glass in the sun. Days later – her revelation, that I punish her sometimes to be Adolf Hitler for 24 hours. And suddenly this weekend – her stink video prank on me. First reaction – I was stunned. Now I love her intimate paparazzi passion. The best, we both don’t know, what’s happening next.- He!He! (Be sure, dear Mischalkysugar, you are the first to know!)