Hi All
It was fantastic last weekend when we had the first proper reunion and revival of former musicians and rollers from rock n roll city Cardiff. The 50′s and 60′s was a fabulous time for Cardiff. So it was especially good to witness Tony Sheveton doing his stuff and not just talked about on this fabulous web page. He was great and I think he enjoyed it too!
Like a dream come true, we were all uplifted and there was much exchanging of addresses and reminiscence. Remembering the good old days meant that it was inevitable that we missed lots of the show. Charlie Gracie and Class of 58, Tony Sheveton, Johnny Tudor, Stan Stennet, Mal Catman Clint etc.. The Class of 58 now have their grown up kids in the band thus continuing the tradition of great rnr in Wales.
There is talk now of a reunion of that first rnr band that we all remember, the Solid Six who were later the Gary Edwards Combo. Paul Pesticcio is plannng something for next year and I’m sure he’ll let us know in time. Meanwhile Paul many thanks for last Sunday’s Show. I think you have started something “Big” now! Watch this space!
Phil Morgan